Dress Up Your Balcony in 2021 with these Garden Designs

 Sprucing up your balcony will create a private comfy space where you can hang out amidst nature! Balcony gardens are very easy and simple, in addition to being cost-effective. The green in your new terrace garden will inject calmness and happiness in you without you noticing. Balcony gardens lift the mood of the space, and brighten it up.


Picturing all the wonders of a garden balcony is wonderful, but turning them into reality is quite challenging, as there are so many designs and small garden ideas and big garden ideas out there on the internet, and not all of them can be applied to your specific balcony. Some plants are meant for windowsills, while others for being placed on the ground, and so many other conditions. So, it would be helpful if you lay out a planning and personalize your terrace garden instead of copying and pasting a design you liked as is. So, let’s take a look at the 2021 few trendy balcony gardens we have gathered for you!


 1.     Let the sun be your daily guest


Sunny balconies are perfect for growing fruits and flowers! You can add brightly colored pots and install an umbrella to shield out the sun whenever needed. However, if your balcony is shaded because other buildings block off the light, you can put some mirrors in there in a way that they would reflect the sun all over the veranda. You can also add artificial light sources like many candles or a floor lamp. A fair example is depicted in the below reel from @glowgreenhome!




2.     Repurposed wood balcony garden


You can apply this type of terrace out of scrap and recycled wood. Wooden colors actually contrast beautifully with the green and the flowers’ colors of the yard. This style is best for entertainment purposes, for festivities, or to have a drink with friends. @specialeditionlife translates well to this veranda garden style with a wooden dominant and some greenery.




 3.     Micro balcony gardens


This is a very easy type of gardens to set up. You will need artificial grass and some beautiful plants, and you will have built a micro park at your veranda! It feels just like a slice of heaven! You can also hang plants on the walls. Check out this artificial grass from @aspect_decor1, a company that provides wooden flooring, wallpapers, artificial grass, etc.



4.     Vertical gardens in balcony


This vertical garden is suitable for small balconies where you can hang pots and plants on the balcony’s walls on metal grills, or in recycles bottle planters. Get inspired from these wall decorating ideas and you won’t regret it! Staggering the pots adds visual interest to your veranda, and makes it easier to water them and distribute sunlight evenly to plants. @viridverticalgardens has a lot of ideas and concepts put into practice of vertical gardens and greenhouses, as it installs and maintains these yards for a living! You can see for yourself in the below shot.


5.     Modern balcony gardens


Your minimalistic modern style can expand to your balcony, where you can place simple and minimalist tables and porcelain pots. These yards inspire an effortless look, emphasizing tone simplicity while combining plants that go with that theme. The architectural designer @festim.toshi has tons of modern balcony garden ideas. We brought for you one of them!


6.     Growing kitchen herbs


Whether you want to grow those kitchen herbs on your balcony or in front of your house if you have a small garden there, it sounds very exciting that you will be harvesting your own food, herbs, vegetable and fruits! Landscaping ideas for front of house can be useful for you to gather more inspiration, as well as landscaping front yard ideas. It could be parsley, mint, ginger, onions, oregano, or some rosemary plant, like the ones grown by @deepforestbyleandra who prepares these pots as gifts! They can be planted in vertical wooden pallets, as they provide more crops for less effort and watering.  

7.     Go vibrant

Flowers are the best to color your veranda garden up! But you should be aware that not all flowers grow all year long, so, make sure to alternate different kinds of flowers and to have contrasting colors that go together. Artist @_deco_maedchen_ colored it up with beautiful contrasting flowers!



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